Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009 Sunday

Life is very weird! Chuck's been working long hours; most days 12 hours. He's been gone all weekend and all last weekend. So many hours and it makes this lifestyle very interesting for both of us.

I still am keeping busy with line dancing, shopping, cleaning and just keeping this place going, cooking, knitting, reading, blogging, playing scrabble and other games, and facebooking. Is there such a word?

This park is really nice. I'm getting used to this lifestyle rather quickly. The small size of this motorhome doesn't seem to bother me and for sure, it makes cleaning a breeze. Now, to figure out how to clean the white leather couches. Well, off white, but is picking up dirt and/or dyes off clothing or something.

I've kept Frank's nails short so he doesn't scratch the leather. That started to happen, so if I promise him treats, he lets me clip away for a little while at least.

One big thing I've learned about living like this is not having an address. I do happen to have one here for this month and next but when you are really on the road and don't have an address, believe me, it feels weird.

I'm glad we tested the waters last winter before jumping into this. That's a really good idea. Even maybe it would be a good idea to rent a rig or a couple different ones and try them out before you buy. We're not sorry we bought this rig but it took a couple before this one to get the one we like.

We didn't buy into the myth that living in an RV or on the road is cheap. It sure is saving us some money and does cost less than living in OUR house. It's something you need to figure out for yourself. Everyone's expenses vary greatly. You still have a lot of the same expenses and don't forget to include insurance, yearly license fees on your rig along with the home expenses. You could sell your house but if you're just testing the waters, I wouldn't recommend doing that for awhile. It feels good to know that if you don't like this lifestyle, you have a home to go home to. We kept our house, put lots in storage and got rid of lots. We rented it out . Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, because of the economy right now, we couldn't sell.

We're still here and our plans haven't been decided on completely. Chuck will continue to work, his commitment was for two months, and then we'll see if we can head south around mid November or maybe even Thanksgiving again like last year.

More later..............


  1. Enjoy reading your posts. In June of this year Deb and I also took the leap and began full-time RV living in a 32 ft. 1985 Pace Arrow. Nice to know there are kindrid spirits experiencing the same joys and challenges of this lifestyle. You can keep up with our travels at Happy Trails! Lane

  2. Hi! Came by way of Over 50 Bloggers and I Love your blog! We have a Mobil Scout 5th Wheel...Love it when we can Use it!
    I hope you don't mind if I follow your adventures! Hubby and I own our own business so there's not much hope of us taking off for good...Darn!hahaa...Happy day to you!

  3. Donna,

    I hope you do follow my blog. I'm here today to update it. You'll get to taking off for good one day. We waited a long time ourselves. Best of luck to you and hope you hit the road soon.

