Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20, 2009 Monday

Heading home from our daughter's tomorrow, Tuesday, so I can start making all the necessary preparations and phone calls so we can get started on our new venture.

July 31 through the 14th of August, we have reservations at Lake Sawyer Resort in Covington, Wa. Real ironic........we used to live about 1 mile from there when we lived in Kent. Always wanted to see what that resort was like.

Chuck has a few commitments to take care of workwise and then we'll be ready to head East to Montana to visit friends and on to Minnesota to visit family. Not the best time of year to be visiting Minnesota with their heat and humidity but I'm sure we'll live.

From there we'll probably head back here, check on the house and see kids and hang around till fall. Then we'll make our way back south to Southern CA and Arizona. It'll be fun to see if we find any of the friends we met last year.

1 comment:

  1. You're living our life in two years! We hope you're enjoying full time rving. We're looking forward to it so much. Be well.
